Having the Right Tools makes ALL the difference…

Just as in this video by Samantha Naes CN Video you will see he has the RIGHT tools do you?

These are some of my favorite tools:

Google Keywords:  Helps determine keywords  which is  the first place you begin before you ever start an advertising campaign which includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging and YouTube.  I drill down quite a bit more for my clients in a programs called Market Samuri but this does a really great job as a  Free Service.

Hootsuite:  Allows scheduling to your social media sites so you don’t have to be at the computer posting at that specific time.  It is already scheduled.  I highly suggest building out a posting calendar and then putting all the information into hootsuite.  Free Service – upgrades available

Google Alerts:  Allows you to monitor certain words or phrases.  You will always want to have an alert for your name, your company name, your keywords and possibly your mentors or your competition.  Free Service

Bit.ly: URL shortener so when you are trying to post into 140 or 160 characters you don’t use all your chartacters just on the URL.  It also allows you to use their analytics as well.  Free Service

Hostgator: This is a hosting company that allows you the perfect place for extremely reasonable hosting and they give GREAT customer service.

Aweber:  This is the perfect choice for sending emails, building newsletters and adding info to your blog.. Known for great open rates and low bounce rates.

Video Credit to: Samantha C. Naes (The Video Lady) CN Video Production / CN Video Resumes    ( Office: (314) 497-5204    Cell: (314) 625-4731

Karen Fox – better known as Karen THE Connector –  is a social media coach, strategist and speaker. Karen works with companies and individuals to take the fear and frustration out of creating their online reputation with social media. She rescues those who are lost on LinkedIn, frustrated with Facebook or afraid of being Twit on Twitter.  Karen THE Connector
Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of these link could contain affiliate links for which I am paid a commission.



Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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