Facebook for personal can be an advantage for business however according to facebook rules you should only be using pages to sell your services or products.  You can share links which could be to a great article you wrote or blog post.  This helps you to cross pollinate your information to personal and business.

Example:  I could post this blog (or a link) on my business page Karen THE Connector. Then if I  LIKED it from my personal page  it comes up in the feed I could hit the share button and that would help it to be seen by my FRIENDS yet I have not make a post directly about my business I have just shared what came through my feed!

Notice if posted from my regular profile it has my photo, yet posted from my business page it displays my logo..

Start building your strategic plan and using facebook for business and share it on your personal profile…  You would be surprised how many friends and family have no idea what you really do… If you are an entrepreneur you need to make sure they are aware of it without pouncing on them to buy buy buy….

If you have not built lists in facebook yet, you may want to view this video and get started…  (this is a private video the only way to see it is with the link)

Start cross pollinating…  Would love for you to share one of your cross pollination..


Karen Fox – better known as Karen THE Connector –  is a social media coach, strategist and speaker. Karen works with companies and individuals to take the fear and frustration out of creating their online reputation with social media. She rescues those who are lost on LinkedIn, frustrated with Facebook or afraid of being Twit on Twitter.  Karen THE Connector
Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of these link could contain affiliate links for which I am paid a commission.
Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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