Content is STILL King
Content marketing is an amazing strategy with great benefits when used in the Social media platforms.
1) It’s inexpensive for out of pocket however there is still an investment of time.
2) It can help create longtime loyalty from your audience.  Once you have built a relationship.
3)  It is the greatest referral network. When someone sees value in your content they share it with those they know.
4)  It helps establish you at the expert in your field.  The Go to person.
5) It helps with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to bring you to the top of Google search organically.  In other words receiving the benefits of high rankings without paying for them
6) It drives traffic back to your website by the links you connect to it.

What is the latest content you have created?
Blog Post
Guest blog Post
Notes  (on Facebook this allows to you post an entire article)

Here is a great article on 41 ideas for Blogging…  These are the ones I use most…

2. Show a step-by-step guide on how to do something in a screencast, how-to video, or show the steps in a series of photos.

5. Write a how-to article. Give instructions with screenshots or photos on the steps someone needs to take to do something.

8. Share a list of some things to avoid.

12. Find tips in other content, create a list of those tips and give links to those articles as the sources.

26. Record an interview with an expert in your field and post it to your blog.

Maybe you don’t have time to write it.  There are some phenomenal writers and copywriters that would be happy to do that for you.   There are many ways to outsource this today. It you need one, contact me.

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Please share in the comments below any of the other in the list of 41 you use frequently or maybe that you will be using in the future…

Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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