Will the REAL Santa stand up?

Is it the one on the Left or the Right?  They Both look like Santa….

How would you know if he wasn’t social? If he was real he would be on Facebook,  Twitter and LI wouldn’t he?

Imposter Santa


Profile Picture:  of Rudolph
Friends: 5
Business Page:  None
Status Updates:  None


Tweets:  2  in 2009
Content of tweet:  Complaint
Retweeted: 0
Following: 4
Followers: 1


Profile:  20% Complete
Contacts: 10
Comments:  0
Resume: Doesn’t show work history
Recommended: 0
Recommendations: 0

~Real Santa~


Profile picture:  Jolly Man in Red Suit
Friends:  Max of 5,000
Business Page:  Pictures of the Elves making toys and special boys and girls
Status Updates:  Sharing what the Elves are doing day by day and all the good news


Tweets:  1 4,420  through today
Content of tweet:  Count down till Christmas and what game Rudolph is playing
Retweets: 1,040
Following 1,632
Followers: 10,987


Profile:  100% Complete
Contacts: 500+
Comments:  Hourly at the moment shining shoes and pressing Red Suit
Resume:  CEO of North Pole Toys and Manufacturing for the past  100+ years.  Passionate about bringing joy to boys and girls around the world.
Recommended: 278
Recommendations: 947

Have you determined the REAL  SANTA?  Have you seen someone who has built relationships?

If someone looked you up on Facebook would it show the REAL you?   Have you retweeted anyone lately or do you only post YOUR thoughts?  Would you hire yourself from what you see on linkedin.  Is there an imposter in your business or is it the REAL thing. Would I see the REAL you or is some imposter getting my business just because I haven’t seen the REAL you?

May you have a Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year.

Karen THE Connector

© Karen THE Connector 2010
Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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