Tell me Does Social Media Automation Work? If you would have asked a year ago I would have said NO it doesn’t work. Things have changed and there are some fabulous new tools in the arena today that work beautifully to post on your behalf like SocialZing.
Things you CAN automate is curated content. Strategize and planning ahead can make automation work. This is a great infographic on Automation for Social Media.
1) Strategy needs to be in place so you know what your objective is for all your social media marketing…
2) That types of content are you going to share
3) When is the best time to post according to your industry and specifically your ideal clients
SocialZing is an amazing tool allows you to choose from their 12 categories as well as 5 of your own custom categories you create content for and you can put your social media on Auto-Pilot. You choose which categories you want the content come from and then tell it whether you want it to go out 1 – 2 or 3 times per day and you are set for one small fee. It also allows you to set up an ongoing campaign to send out a particular message while you choose start date, end date, time of day and what days of the week or all week you want it to go out.. Ex: If you have a radio show you are advertising on a regular basis all you would change each week is the guest name. You can use as a scheduler but it is so much more!
Things you can not automate is engagement and building relationships. This takes time every day to continue building relationships. People buy from people they know like and trust. Statistic tell us it take approx 14 touches to influence someone to buy today. Social Media Marketing helps shorten the time involved and moves potential buyers into the buying funnel quicker.