Without ACTION there is no Success….
Have you ever just thought if I had ______________ my business would spiral to the top?
Ever said to yourself I could be that good too if I had _______________________?
I have been doing a lot of soul searching and thought about all the events I have paid to attend and airline tickets I purchased, software I purchased, online classes, etc. If I don’t put them into action they are a WASTE of money not an investment. How many have you purchased and never even opened?
What good is Coaching if you are not going to take ACTION?
I use to offer my coaching program on sales and marketing on an as needed basis so you could get one or however many sessions you think you need but I have found my clients that got the greatest results were the ones that had ongoing coaching and accountability. Those that didn’t get the results they needed that they should have from their coaching was only one reason. The reason: You guessed it, no ACTION. Therefore, I have added 3 – 6 – and 12 month coaching packages and I am only as successful as they are. Now none of us can take on the responsibility of someone else’s success if they don’t put in the time or the ACTION.
Let me ask you what 3 things you can do in the next 60 days from something you learned in the last 60 days that will change your business?
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Could it be a Brain Dump as Cathy Sexton from Productivity Experts call it, where EVERYTHING you need to do you write it down so it does take up your brain memory and put you in overwhelm.
Could it be making sure your website is safe like expert Tasha Knight talks about. When is the last time you backed up your website and to where? Tasha suggests an external backup.
Could it be creating a one page business plan like expert Diane Carson talks about? Know your goals and the plan to get there.
Could It be creating an editorial calendar for a visual like to teach all my clients?
To take what you learned and use it is a true investment. Otherwise you have wasted your income and are no farther along than when you started.
May 2017 be your best year ever and if you can’t hold yourself accountable find a coach that can. If you need a Sales and Marketing Coach that gets results or have questions, please let me know.