Is your marketing missing the human factor?

Tips on how to add the human factor to your marketing


As a marketer in whatever area of expertise  (niche) – supplements, beauty, diet, skincare, marketing, design, fashion etc. – your goal should be to see how you can meet the human needs of your prospects and customers!


WARNING:  This is not a process where you take 2 hrs. and fix everything.  This process will evolve as you learn to do it better daily. 


Certainty (Security)

Now how can we show this in our brand?

Customer Service – They should be CERTAIN it is going to be great. Consistency is the key when it comes to the delivery of your service/products and your values.

So here are some things if you promise to do will build your credibility in the Human Factor.

  • Answer emails in as short of time as possible never more than 48 hrs. At 72 hours you have lost their enthusiasm and must start over.
  • Be consistent with your product creation. Be cautious about creating your own product 10 times in a row, build a great following, and then outsource the next course to be written by someone who doesn’t know your brand voice.
  • Communicate consistently. Don’t blog every day for a month and then drop off and your tribe doesn’t see a single blog post from you for 60 days. This is a concern to people and makes them anxious about your integrity.   Be CONSISTENT!
  • Be true to yourself. Never compromise your ethics to make quick cash. High character is non-negotiable.


Now you have your strategy and you know what you want to accomplish in your marketing.  The old term rings true in your marketing to humans.  Variety is the spice of life.   Go live, show a behind the scenes, interview someone else even in the same industry, review a product.  (always be honest).

What kinds of things can you do to give variety to your customers and show them how important they are to you?

  • Give something away that you would normally charge for or let them know where to find something for free on your website. I have my Perfect Client form download available here.    Do you have a video class you did and use to charge for that you could give away free for a certain amount of time?
  • Use different forms of media. If you typically do a blog, why not do a podcast today? Or a go live on Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn ( LinkedIn you have to apply to go live)?


This is a big one. People want to know they are important and matter. Personally responding to emails is going to help meet this need in some ways, but there is more to make it more powerful.

Do some of the following things to make someone feel important:

  • Make time for them. Whether it is via Skype, Zoom, Twitter messages, FB, LinkedIn, Instagram or email, give your customers time for interaction with you.
  • Reply to their comment on your blog. It lets them know a human (You) really cares and takes time personally to respond and did not “bulk approve” or have someone else do it for you.
  • Give them credit. Everyone wants to be noticed.  Their moment of fame in the spotlight.  Give credit where credit is due.  Thank people for spurring a thought or changing a process. 


You can show someone they are important, and you value them even if you’re not really close to them. The connection you want to build with your audience can be friendship or mentor, something deeper than just respect.  It is PERSONAL.

  • Pay attention to details: Therefore, when doing a live video on the social platforms calling them out by name is so important. Pay attention to the little things  They go a long way in building a deep connection.
  • Accept them: Just because they have different opinions or can be difficult is not a reason to shut them out.  Accept them as they are.
  • Call by name: When your name is called out immediately connects heart to heart.
  • Compliment: You can’t say things like I love that shirt (unless you are on Zoom or Skype) because we not in person but you can say things like Love the profile photo, tag line, company name, and things like that. Make someone’s day and compliment them.
  • Follow: If you know they are going through something difficult – medical, sick family member, job, moving, etc take the time to follow up. It shows you care.

Stay tuned for more information on human factor marketing. 

Karen Fox – better known as Karen THE Connector –  is a Sales and Marketing Growth Strategist and Speaker.  She has been referred to as Dynamite in a small package with a twist of humor.  Karen works with entrepreneurs, teams, and sales leaders that want to accelerate their results.   She is quite unusual in the fact she is an expert in Sales and Marketing with a concentration on Digital.  She also has founded Stepping Up U (university) for Women of Faith in Sales, Duplicate Your Success helping Sales Leaders increase their Influence, Impact and Income   Karen THE Connector<

Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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