by Karen Fox | Business, Business Tools, Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized
Tell me Does Social Media Automation Work? If you would have asked a year ago I would have said NO it doesn’t work. Things have changed and there are some fabulous new tools in the arena today that work beautifully to post on your behalf like SocialZing....
by Karen Fox | Business, Facebook, Google+, Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized
Fabulous Info-Graphic on Social Media Marketing Trends: Use this as a guide when creating your master social media marketing blueprint. Social media marketing trends for 2014 from Social Media Examiner. This is a fabulous inforgraphic and it is spot on…...
by Karen Fox | Business, Facebook, Social Media, Uncategorized
Yes Scammers are alive and well. Offline and Online… Even the very Savvy are being taken in by these professional scam artists. That is because they are good REALLY good! They make it look so real and have an answer EVERY question you have. On Facebook, scammers...
by Karen Fox | Business, Business Tools, LinkedIn, Networking, Uncategorized
Social Networking at Live Events As much as “Social Media” is online, we need to learn to be able to network at Live events. Many opportunities are missed because we are not “Social” offline. Not everyone can do this well and many times it is uncomfortable. For...
by Karen Fox | Business, Pinterest, Social Media, Twitter, Uncategorized
Market like the Super Bowl Commercials #1 They know their target market Obviously if someone is marketing with a Super Bowl Commercial they know their target market (those that will use their services or products) are going to be watching. Online is the...