Is the impostor syndrome stealing your title of Expert?  I just heard this term and thought it was profound.  That little voice in your head says why should they trust you?  Who would want to do business with you?  You can answer multiple ways.  Here are a few but I am sure you have a few more.  Our subconscious mind will make plenty up for us.

Maybe you think:

  •  I don’t know maybe I’m not who I am trying to be
  • I don’t have enough experience
  • What if I’m not good enough
  • Maybe I need more training

Don’t listen to that voice that cuts you down.  Would you let someone else cut down someone you love, admire or respect?  Of course not.  Why do we do that to ourselves?


If you are an expert in your field, stand in that power.


Webster’s definition of EXPERT is having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience.

Now that you have a bit of confidence let’s talk about my area of expertise, Digital Marketing.  Encouraging someone I spoke with this morning about going live on Facebook brought out a fear in their eyes like you wouldn’t believe.   I get it.  I really do.  Even though I am in the industry and test applications before most doesn’t mean there is no fear.  What if I let that stop me?   The first time I went live I thought was going to have a panic attack.  Then I was so excited to learn that if I didn’t like the live (my first was not good, I looked scared to death) I didn’t have to post it.  You guessed it, I hit the delete button.   This means only the people that saw you at that moment was all that would ever see that live.

My friend and mentor Lethia Owens says, to every 3rd grader a 5th grader is brilliant.


Most of you know I am a certified John Maxwell speaker and coach. I was watching John the other day an was reminded how real he is.   He was doing his normal podcast and as you know he is on video all the time, however they were doing a Facebook live showing behind the scene what takes place on the podcast.  John was like, what is this for, why am I seeing this…..   In other words he was feeling awkward just like the rest of us.   No matter who you are you have to start somewhere.



Here are some tips straight from Facebook regarding going Live.


Now put on your full armor of CONFIDENCE as an EXPERT and go do that live broadcast, your first video, write your first blog, meet with a potential client….  whatever it may be and rock it.  You are the EXPERT!


Karen Fox – better known as Karen THE Connector –  is a Sales and Marketing Strategist and Speaker.  She has been referred to as Dynamite in a small package.  Karen works with entrepreneurs, teams and sales leaders that want to accelerate their results.   She is quite unusual in the fact she is an expert in Sales and Marketing with a concentration on Digital.  She also has founded Stepping Up U (university) for Women of Faith in Sales.


Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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