Marketing… Do you have a marketer’s mindset or do you have the owners mindset?

Everyone is in Marketing today!

Questions to ask yourself to determine the answer to this question.

  1. Do you just wing it or is there a strategy?
  2. Do you understand the difference in Sales and Marketing?
  3. Do you measure results?
  4. Do you do it all on your own or collaborate?
  5. Do you expect to set your marketing in place and leave it that way?

Marketer's Mindset

Are you the Owner?

Question 1:  If you just wing it there is no mindset.  Your position may create the need to live on the edge of putting out fires and trying to survive daily.  If you are going to do the marketing for your company, you cannot start marketing without a strategy and without goals.  They Why – When and How of completing a true marketing plan.  Marketing is NOT just yelling at the world what you have to offer.

Question 2:  If you do not understand the difference in sales and marketing you shouldn’t be doing your own.  It is very unusual to find someone who is well versed in both.  It typically takes 2 people to fill this mindset.   Marketing is the images and what you do to attract the client.  Sales it what it takes for them to push the button and complete the purchase.

Question 3:  If you do not measure results in some way you do not have a marketer’s mindset. Do you know the base of where you started and where you want to go?   Not everything especially in the world of social media is measurable like we would like it to be but there are some measurements to put in place.    It used to be 3-5 touches, and someone made a buying decision.  Today it takes 14-16 touches.   Today Social Media allows you to move you through the pipeline a lot faster than we you only had face to face.    Keep in mind Marketing is ALL the places you show up.

Question 4: If you do it all on your own you can’t market well.   Even as a Strategist I had to work with a coach and mentor to understand my brand and how to reflect that.  The old saying you are so deep in the forest you can’t see the trees.   You need outside help to get a real feel for your marketing.  An outsider that is not biased and can look at it from the customer’s perspective and not you the person who possibly birthed this business.

Question 5:  If you do not measure and adjust you have just shot your company in the foot.  I insist upon test and measure, test and measure, test, and measure with my clients.  Sometimes it is just a small tweak on an ad that closes the sale, or it could be changing out an image that doesn’t evoke the right emotion.   Either way if you can get it perfectly right the first time without adjustments you should give up your position and open your own Agency.  That is not normal.  Therefore, we test and measure softly before putting a large amount into an ad campaign as to spend our marketing dollars wisely.

If you are wondering now if you need a Sales and Marketing evaluation, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Wishing you much success on the perfect Sales and Marketing Formula.

Karen Fox – better known as Karen THE Connector –  is a Sales and Marketing Strategist and Speaker.  She has been referred to as Dynamite in a small package.  Karen works with entrepreneurs, teams and sales leaders that want to accelerate their results.   She is quite unusual in the fact she is an expert in Sales and Marketing with a concentration on Digital.  She also has founded Stepping Up U (university) for Women of Faith in Sales.    Karen THE Connector





Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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