
Helping you Build the Brilliance Beyond the Brand

When you are considering hiring someone to speak, please make sure it is someone that is dynamic and passionate about what they do. Chances are if they don’t enjoy their job your audience won’t  enjoy hearing them speak. If you want someone who speaks from the heart and through experiences, you have contacted the right person.

Whether you are looking for someone on Social Media Marketing, Direct Sales or Leadership you can count on Karen THE Connector to deliver a dynamic presentation.

No matter the size of her audience Karen insists on customizing her presentations.  Over 27 years in Sales Leadership/ Management leans to a lot of personal experience and personal stories and she is a lifetime student.

Leaders lead by Example

Sales have a Strategy

Lost on LinkedIN

Don’t be a Twit on Twitter

Frustrated with Facebook

Relationship Building to Sales

To Blog or not to Blog

OFFline or ONline networking

Social Media at it’s finest

5 Basic Elements of Social Media

Social Media and Direct Sales

Social Media and SEO

Karen has the rare ability to help you attract your ideal customers via social media, then close more sales using proven techniques she’s developed in her 27 years in sales. In the end, it’s all about conversion rates, right? Who better to help in that regard than someone with a track record of success in both social media and sales. Well done, Karen.

Dale Furtwengler

President, Furtwengler & Associates

Karen’s knowledge of social media networking is far beyond “expert”. I’ve worked with Karen on several different social media seminars and each time I learn something new! I’ve had numerous clients comment on how easy it is understand Karen and follow what she is presenting. She takes her time, is exceptionally knowledgeable and is completely interactive which helps people learn at their own pace. Clients always leave her seminars wanting more. Karen adds real value to understanding why it is so important to have a presence online with your business. I highly recommend Karen The Connector if you are in the market for a social media coach… I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!

Nina DeAngelo

Branch Manager, Reliance Bank

I really enjoyed your “down to earth” training session this week. I have already recommended you to several people. Trying to see if I can set up a session for some of my friends. Glad to finally get someone who gives us the “how” not just the “why”!

Jan Beardsley

I hired Karen The Connector to present a Social Media presentation at a Park and Recreation mini conference. Karen did an excellent job of correlating Parks and Recreation into her presentation. Many of the people present commented on what a benefit her presentation was and said they learned many new things, especially related to LinkedIn. Karen was very professional and knowledgeable in every aspect of this presentation and the process leading up to the conference. This is the second time I have seen Karen and I would hire her again, as I always learn something new!

Wayne Dunker

Parks and Recreation Supervisor

Karen was a speaker at our annual MoADSA Conference. Karen did an excellent job, very knowledgeable regarding social media and marketing. Her presentation skills were very effective, and easy to follow.

Laura Bone

Program Director

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