Of all the places I have spoken and all the audiences I have polled many say they are on Twitter but have no clue why or how to use it. Use these 7 Tips for Getting Started With Twitter Marketing.
Twitter has over 1.3 Billion registered users but there is a small percentage using it correctly.
Completing your profile is very important. Your bio just like on LinkedIn it lets people know enough about you to see if they want to follow you and start this relationship. This is also a place you can add keywords or clues about your passions on a personal note. Mine talks completely about business but there would be nothing wrong for me to say Mother, Wife and Love to Shop… It’s a place people can start to connect. Now there is only one active link in your bio so make sure you use the most important one typically your website.
- Don’t wing it plan your strategy for following people. You must be careful to not follow tons of people quickly as you can risk your account being shut down or being put in twitter jail. You also have to be careful your ratio of people you are following and those following you. When you reach the magic number of 2,000 your additional people you want to follow are limited by ratios. Best way to start twitter is slow and build strategically. Best to start with following 25-50 people per day in order to stay out of Twitter Jail. Never exceed 100 per day are you just asking to be put in jail. Use your keywords for your interest and industry to find people to follow. Twitter being the pioneer in Hashtags search using Hastags. For me #SocialMedia #Marketing etc.. Follow competitors, influencers and industry experts.
- Create lists: List are the perfect way to segregate your content. Allows you to weed through all the noise on twitter and engage with those on your lists quickly and effectively. You want to be on people’s lists as influencers for your industry. Create lists of groups you are a part of, competitors, influencers, etc.
- Content is still King: Share things people want to hear! It could be how to – tips, articles, humor, inspiration just not want you had for breakfast and what time you went to bed.
- Tweet Often! This is where you are going to want to scheduler for your tweets as the twitter feed moves so fast your audience isn’t going to see much from you if you don’t post often.There are a multitude of tools to help with the scheduling it is a matter of choice. My scheduler or choice is Buffer.
- Use #Hastags: This way you can start to influence others looking for your information in order to build your following list to help your ratio. Ex: Travel Agent could #Travel #Disney #Needtogetaway.. etc
- Be Social: Engage with your followers. It is call Social Media for a reason. Build your following in order to create your ROI.. I coined that a Return on Influence which in turn reflects on our return on investment.