Are the Cicadas buzzing your neighborhood?   They definitely are in mine.  View the Video for more information….  Is your company not being heard on Social Media because your are involved in the BUZZZZZZZ?   If so, you will want to view the video for information on how to stand out on the social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.  Are you wasting your time on Social Media.. you could be!

1)  Are you branding your company the same across all platforms?  If not you should be.  No one should ever come to one of your sites and wonder if they arrived at the right place because it has a different look or feel to it than the last one they were on.

2) Do you know your Target Market?   If not, you better find out.. Is it men or women, is it a certain age group, is it a certain economics or is demographics…

3) Do you know what keywords they use to search for your type of service or product?  Not the ones you THINK they are but you have done a keyword search and found out?  You can use Google Keyword Tool that will give you at least a good place to start.

4) What Platforms are they using?  Are your Target Market spending more time on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube.. You need to know this in order to know where to spend the majority of your time marketing.

5) Create your strategy and then use a posting calendar so you are prepared a month in advance.  You will need a variety of questions, quotes, articles, advertising, video and events.   This is one of my most popular services asked for my clients.

Karen Fox – better known as Karen THE Connector –  is a social media coach, strategist and speaker. Karen works with companies and individuals to take the fear and frustration out of creating their online reputations with social media. She rescues those who are lost on LinkedIn, frustrated with Facebook or afraid of being Twit on Twitter.
Feel free to share this article but it must be in its entirety, not altered in any way.

© Karen THE Connector 2011

Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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