As of today there is a big announcement on Character Counts Change on Twitter..

You can read the full article here.

twitterThis is big news for all of us in marketing since it is only the text to count towards our 140 characters.  Many of us had to cut out all the fluff with adjectives when we started using twitter many years ago.  Allowing us 140 characters including links didn’t leave you much room to express yourself.

Think you will enjoy this thought as much as I do.  Twitter is testing out saving users’ tweet space by moving “@” Twitter handles outside of the tweet box. The feature, which can be seen on the right, will roll out slowly.

If you have not started a twitter account yet, may I recommend you think you handle through clearly.  You want something easy to remember and until they finish testing and remove the handle from your 140 Character Count you will want to keep it short.   I choose to go with @SocialKaren rather than @KarenTHEConnector as to not take up all the characters but yet was memorable.    Happy Tweeting!


Karen Fox – better known as Karen THE Connector –  is a social media coach, strategist and speaker. Karen works with companies and individuals to take the fear and frustration out of creating their online reputation with social media. She rescues those who are lost on LinkedIn, frustrated with Facebook, Feeling like a Twit on Twitter or Perplexed by Pinterest.  Karen THE Connector 





Karen THE Connector - sales and marketing strategist and speaker

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