Social Networking at Live Events
As much as “Social Media” is online, we need to learn to be able to network at Live events. Many opportunities are missed because we are not “Social” offline.
Not everyone can do this well and many times it is uncomfortable. For those who learn this “Social” part of networking find a GREATER ROI…
First of all it is a mindset, second you need to be prepared. Being prepared helps you overcome the fear factor. In other words you are preparing and setting the stage for Success.
#1 Consider the End Result first not last
I find most people think of offline networking as a place to be seen and mingle with HOPE something will come of it. They are waiting for the magic!
You have to be honest with yourself and clear about what you want to accomplish. Then you have to be able to communicate that to others.
Possible outcomes to your live networking event…
- Great connections for JV
- Connect with Influencers
- Learn ideas to become more successful in your business
- Find a great mentor or coach
- Build relationships for the future
- Sharing a new product or service (soft launch)
- Be sure people understand exactly what you are looking to accomplish and it will be easier for them to connect with you and help.
(If the event you are attending has a guest list, go through the list and see who you would like to connect. Know your WHY you want to connect)
#2 – BE Clear how your company can help your ideal client or those you are looking for.
Most attend with no idea what they are looking to accomplish. If you can be clear about how you can help them, you will be able to move in the right direction. You need to have a compelling Elevator Speech. If you don’t have one, I suggest you follow Fred Miller with NO Sweat Public Speaking.
Now be the initiator and begin those conversations.
Look around the room and look for the person that gives any eye contact and begin there. If you did your research ahead of time with the guest list you may know something specific about someone you want to connect with and possibly give them a compliment. For more impact share with others something great about them. If in line to purchase a drink, maybe purchase theirs and get the conversation started.
#3 – Results that make a difference
Be prepared if someone wants to take this conversation further to have your calendar up to date and make that appointment right then.
Always carry pen and paper if you are not a technology expert and can take the information down as quick as you can write.
One mistake I see often is showing up right on time… You just lost the most important portion of the event. The networking that takes place before you begin… The next area is to run off at lunch and do your own thing or stay on your phone. That is a perfect time to open the conversation with something you heard during the morning event. Always leave a few minutes after to get with someone you noticed during the event and let them know why you were drawn to them. Women can use clothing. Men can use their career while everyone can use Hobbies or mutual acquaintances.
#4 After the Event
Connect with everyone on LinkedIn or any other social networks you use for business. You have their business card which will have their email address so you can connect with them. Make sure you remind them where you met them… you might not have been as memorable as you thought you were when they were meeting a lot of people at one time. Send an email with Great to meet you at___________. I also sent you an invite to connect on LinkedIn and why you think the connection would be GREAT for both of you.

Live networking is just as, if not more, important than electronic social networking. For a great icebreaker, mention a recent post or article that you read regarding the topic of the event. Even better, mention a post from the person you’re talking to! Thanks for the great article.
Great comments and suggestion Thad!