The Misconception of Social Media leaves many with the idea they are doing it all. When in fact they are not even scratching the surface. You see when I founded my company 6 years ago, at that point I gave my clients the option of hopping on what I thought was going to be the best thing since sliced bread. I was right and yes we are talking about Social Media. There are so many options available us today. Make the right choices!
The one great thing about all the platforms are that they are FREE. The worse thing you can do is “doing” social media “Marketing” without a strategy. This is very costly when you consider the time and the mistakes that can be made.
Social Media is just one of the man pieces to ANY Marketing puzzle yet all the other pieces complete the Marketing puzzle. Keep in mind Branding is very important before you launch the Marketing Puzzle. Do you know who you are? Do you know who your ideal client is? Do you know what their pain is? Do you have a solution? When you share anything online potential customers should immediately know they are in the right place. You only get a very short window to keep their attention so don’t make them wonder if it is you or your business. They should know at first glance. If not, you have lost them forever.
Online Marketing Puzzle pieces:
- THE Website: What does your website do for your business? Does it bring clients in or frustrate them and turn them away. Does it give enough information and is it user friendly. Do you have a blog included in your website? Extremely valuable when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization and also gives a big boost with Google.
- Email – Newsletter Platform: Are you sending out great content on a regular basis? Keeping in mind Newsletters today are not like they use to be. They need to be short sweet and to the point! No one has time to read a long LETTER. What are you using to follow up? Are you staying top of mind when they need you or your services? You need to be top of mind so much you are the ONLY one they think of when they need your products or services.
- Social Platforms: There are tons of them so which ones do you participate in? How much time do you plan to invest? Where are you ideal clients hanging out. That determines where you invest your time and energy and which site or sites to optimize with a consistent use.
- Lead Pages: Do you have any single page platforms that drive traffic to a specific niche on your website? Are you building your email marketing list? It is still true today… the money is in the list. The LIST of people who are truly interested in what you have to share or sell.
- Sales Funnel: What are you giving away that people are willing to give you their email address so you can continue to market to them? That is the place you start to build trust with clients then they start to know and like you. Then you lead them to their next purchase with you. Start small build the trust and then continue offering services or items they can purchase.
- Videos: These can be Professionally created – Semi Professionally or DIY. Videos hold a lot of value for many reasons. Most people are visual learners so we remember more of what we see. Google owns YouTube so you get more exposure and love from them playing in their sandbox. It also allows potential clients to see you and know if they would want to work with you as they start to know, like and trust you. This also weeds out those that will never work with you. You maybe to high strung for them or you may be too laid back….
- Advertising: Make sure you add in your budget some advertising dollars. Keep in mind Facebook is your least expensive online advertising option. Choosing the right image can make or break an ad.
If this is not something you are versed on, hire a professional to get the most from your investment.
We would love the opportunity to assist you in creating your personal Social Media Marketing Strategy and help you dominate your market.