Karen The Connector Blog

Leadership is….
Leadership is a critical skill in all aspects of life, from the boardroom to the classroom, and from the playing field to the battlefield. A leader is someone who can inspire and motivate others to achieve a common goal, and who can make tough decisions when...

The Power Behind Productivity
The real power behind productivity is not just being productive at your daily tasks. Here are a few reasons you might consider hiring a business growth coach. They can help you grow in areas you had no idea you needed help. Consider a time when you were growing up...

If you are looking for a SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY FOR your SMALL - MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESS check this article out. Today, nobody can deny the influence social media has over our lives. We are surrounded by the noise and buzz of the constant likes, comments, posts, and...

9 Benefits of Working From Home
Considering working virtually? Here are 9 Benefits of Working From Home. Time Who doesn’t want more time in their day? Since we can’t buy or manufacture time what could we do to grant that wish? Work from home is one simple answer. In the U.S., the average, one-way...

How to Add the Human Factor to Your Marketing
Is your marketing missing the human factor? Tips on how to add the human factor to your marketing As a marketer in whatever area of expertise (niche) – supplements, beauty, diet, skincare, marketing, design, fashion etc. – your goal should be to see how you...

Social Media Tip – LinkedIn
Social Media Tip LinkedIn is the perfect place to discover more about the people you want to meet or connect with. We all know you can’t judge a book by its cover. But the fact is that if a cover isn’t inviting, people aren’t going to open that book up to read what’s...
Impostor Syndrome Stealing Your Title
Is the impostor syndrome stealing your title of Expert? I just heard this term and thought it was profound. That little voice in your head says why should they trust you? Who would want to do business with you? You can answer multiple ways. Here are a few but I...
3 Facebook Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales
Check out these 3 Facebook Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Sales! Facebook has become a brilliant tool to use to market yourself. It is outstanding if done correctly. Facebook is the one social site that works for 99% of the businesses to market whether you...
Focus Makes for Better Productivity
If you talk to anyone today and you will realize a lack of Focus is affecting all parts of our life. We can’t just blame students as this is a problem for adults as well. We are overload with busyness. Go here, drop off there, pick up here… Our plates are all over...
Do You Have a Marketing Mindset
Marketing... Do you have a marketer’s mindset or do you have the owners mindset? Everyone is in Marketing today! Questions to ask yourself to determine the answer to this question. Do you just wing it or is there a strategy? Do you understand the difference in Sales...
Drive Traffic to Your Website
Drive Traffic to Your Website is simple using Social media as the perfect vehicle. You can use it to start conversations with prospects and customers. However, if it doesn’t become lead generation taking them to your website then you may not be reaching your sales...
Help with Motivation
Need a little help with Motivation? Have you ever been told you need to just get Motivated? Have you ever said if I just had some Motivation? If you’re like most we have all experienced this. It could have been when you needed to get homework done as a child or...
Common Courtesy Could be Dead
Do we really live in a world where common courtesy had died? I was taught to treat others as you would want to be treated. Hurry along so you didn’t keep others waiting. Be On Time and if not be sure to let them know. Never use people. If you can’t say something...
Remove these Overused Words on LinkedIn
LinkedIn List is out. Remove these overused words on LinkedIn ASAP if you want to be located and stand out. LinkedIn shares a list of the words you want to remove from your profile. They are the most overused words that have lost meaning and value. The Words...
ACTION = Success
Without ACTION there is no Success.... Have you ever just thought if I had ______________ my business would spiral to the top? Ever said to yourself I could be that good too if I had _______________________? I have been doing a lot of soul searching and thought about...